Sunday, May 30, 2010

"In Review"

VS. Those are the two most terrible words right now. Everyday for the past 6-8 weeks Steve and I have seen those two little uncaring words printed on our computer screen. We are waiting to hear back from ASU because Steve applied to their Spanish Master's program - and we can't do anything until we get a yes or no. "In Review" is simply not helpful. The problem, or blessing depending on how you look at it, is Steve has already been accepted to NAU. Not only was he acctepted to their program, but he was offered an Assistanship (sp?) - meaning he would get paid to teach part time at the university and 75% of our tuition would be paid. The only problem is we don't want to move to Flagstaff. We would much rather stay here and buy a house. But we can't make any sort of decision until we hear back from ASU. It is agonizing - I guess the Lord knows that we need to learn patience.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Pretending to be Rich

We're finding creative ways to get out of the house but not spend money, or at least very little. Yesterday Steve and I spent the morning at the pool at Gainey Ranch(its a really nice resort/spa in Scottsdale). Technically one needs to be staying at this awesome resort in order to take advantage of their "water playground" as they call it, but we snuck in, and tried our best to look like we were rich little honey mooners, as opposed to the "on a budget and saving for a house" newlyweds that we really are. Its fun to pretend to be rich, as Steve puts it, "its like we're getting away with something." Check out this link to see just how awesome this pool is. You can't see it in the pictures, but they have an actual sand beach at one part of the pool, no waves, but its quite lovely. I have some beautiful tanlines as a result of a day well spent.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Mrs. Willard

I don't know if this happened to a lot of people when they got married, but we got a ton of cards that said, "To Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Willard." Willard is Steve's middle name. Are wedding announcements really that confusing?