Wednesday, May 22, 2013

She is All Girl

This was our week last week...... (well the good stuff anyway, I could put a picture of Avery's puke in there but no one wants to see that, or do you, you weirdo)
Does this not epitomize a girly girl? I love it.

Playing in the tub with dish soap colored foam...for like an hour and  half, it was awesome

Its hard to tell in this picture, but that diaper is hanging on by a thread, her front has zero coverage....preparing herself to potty train maybe? 
This Avery child of mine keeps me on my toes, scratches my back when I ask her too (best thing I have EVER taught her), knows exactly how to push my buttons, is becoming a little nicer to her baby sister (still working on that one), loves Elmo and lets us know by running around the house half singing, half chanting his name ALL day, calls her milk "Apple" and pretty much all food for that matter its all Apples, makes me kiss her blankie and puppy before bed, gives me a 3.5 hour nap almost everyday (I'm gonna miss that nap someday), starts freaking out with crazy excitement when she hears the garage door open at 4:30pm when daddy comes home, loves to sing, especially the "Hello Song", loves to dance her little heart out, still rocks back and forth in chairs, against walls, whatever. 
She is a spunky little thing and I love her to pieces....still coming to terms with the fact that she will be TWO next month.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Avery the House Elf

I have decided to only dress Avery in pillowcases from now on. She is too adorable in them, even with crazy bedhead, to wear anything else.
So far I have made three nightgowns out of pillowcases...makes me wish my adult, post baby, body could squeeze into a pillowcase and call it a nightgown, they are that cute.
Now if the local thrift stores would get their acts together and get some CUTE pillowcases in stock, I'd make some more :)

Brutal Honesty

On Sunday I had the opportunity to find out I was subbing for the 4 year old class during sharing time...lucky for me it wasn't my Sunday to do singing time (yes, I am STILL serving as one of the choristers for primary, this will be my third program, crazy!).
I was quickly reminded how brutally honest 4 year olds are. For instance, I was telling the riveting story of Angel Moroni visiting a young Joseph in his bedroom when one of the boys raised his hand. I pointed to him and said, "yes?" "Umm, I want to talk to a little bit now, okay?" Then he told me all about The Hulk, which really helped emphasize my story, ha!
Heidi was a little darling and slept the entire time, up until the last 5 minutes. So naturally, when she woke up they were all really fascinated by her. "What's her name? What's her name?" they chanted. "Her name is Heidi." Then one girl matter-of-factually said, "I don't like that name." Okay then. Nuff said. Oh to be young and have no regard for anyone else's opinion but your own....