I like to make a homemade gift for Christmas (almost) every year, and this year I made felt "paper" dolls for Avery. I almost bought the pattern here....but not even including materials it would have cost $37 smackaroos. So I opted to make my own pattern based off of this one. It was time consuming and tedious, but surprisingly really fun. I think most women are suckers for tiny things and clothes, so when you combine the two, its a match made in Heaven.
Avery is really into non-human (namely puppies) toys, so this is my attempt to pique her interest in dolls. Is that so bad? I figure if my little ploy doesn't work, I'll just play it!
And yes, I realize her eyes are not symmetrical, but, other than Barbie and possibly Kim Kardasian (post plastic surgery of course) whose eyes are? Just keepin' it real.
on NO! are you kidding?? i love tiny things. i love felt. and of course your fabric is darling! if she doesn't play with it, invite me over and i'll play with you!!