Monday, February 9, 2015

Life Lately....

So I had a baby. And he is super cute and I kinda like him a lot. Behold, Dutch. Behold him!

Having three kids is all kinds of wonderful and chalk full of all kinds of crazy "all-hell-has-broken-loose" moments. Our little Dutch is almost 10 weeks old now, and life is beginning to  feel like our new normal. It feels pretty good to finally have the confidence to take three kids to IKEA or thrift stores. I don't feel captive in my house anymore!
A little something about Dutch: he is the best baby ever. Seriously. He eats well, sleeps well (not through the night quite yet but we are getting closer), and best of all, he doesn't feel the need to be held all day. He is happy as a bug (because bugs are happy, right?) to just kick around on a blanket while I chase his crazy sisters around. Lately its been less chasing and more pulling Heidi off of Avery when she attacks her like a pit bull. She's a biter, and it is more than terrifying...for everyone.
Got a little side tracked there. What I am trying to say is, we have been blessed with a very sweet little boy and we all adore him to pieces....and if Heidi sics him, he very well could be in literal pieces. Kidding! Kind of. She's be crazy.
In other news, a couple of Sunday's ago was Dutch's blessing day. It turned out to be a beautiful day full of the people we love most. He looked so dapper and handsome. I seriously love that little guy. Sidenote: we think he may be a redhead. The jury is still out, but its definitely not brown like his sisters' hair.

Besides Heidi trying to chew our limbs off, she is quickly following in Avery's footsteps to love all things "princess". Its adorable and annoying all at once.
Avery is now a Sunbeam and is growing up on us all of the sudden. She is my paranoid little helper and the best diaper fetcher that ever was. 
Steve is working A LOT, again. Athletic Director duties and extremely time consuming, and the job pays very little, so you know, its a win-win. 
Since I am feeling more settled into life with three kids. I decided to start upholstering again. I honestly crave projects, especially upholstery, so I was pretty excited to come across this gem at Goodwill last week. It was a whopping $13.

My fabric is coming in the mail tomorrow, so hopefully in the next couple of days I can sell this off and make a few bucks. Oh, and I re-designed my sewing room since having Dutch too. Once I get that little love seat sold off and out of that room, I'll do a little posty-post on the changes in there.
Over and out.


  1. Dutch is SO handsome! I am really happy for your family! My parents said that 3 kids was all kinds of craziness. Good luck! ;) Also...that Goodwill find for $13?! What in the world?! I need to go thrift store shopping with you. Sorry about the hubby's long hours. That sucks, plain and simple. Glad you have your projects to work on when you aren't taking care of your kiddos! I love how passionate you are about upholstering & decorating!

  2. Oh...there you are. I thought you guys fell off the face of the earth;-) I love the pictures of Dutch. I have been waiting to see more of him. I know you are a busy little mama. I am impressed you can do as much as you do with those three. And, you deserve an easy baby. You have earned it!
