Saturday, July 31, 2010
Haircut Test
Growing up, my mom always cut my dad's hair. So, I just figured after I got married I would cut my husband's hair and he would be ever grateful I wanted to provide this service to him. Not the case. Something about the fact that I have never cut a single head of hair in my entire life made Steve a little nervous. After almost a year of my begging him to just "let me try" I finally came up with a fail proof plan, that I am surprised I didn't think of earlier. About a week ago he started talking about wanting to buzz his hair instead of going to Fanastic Sams to save a few bones. So I smartly suggested that he let me try to cut his hair first, and if it turns out to be a wreck, he can buzz it like he had already planned to do. To my delight, he reluctantly agreed.
We bought some scissors, and some new clippers, and I got to work! Turns out I am an awesome hair cutter. He was shocked at what a fantastic job (where's the faith?) I did and didn't even have to buzz his head. Needless to say, I am quite proud of my new found skill.
He insisted on not wearing a shirt during the process, and wouldn't even let me put a towel around his shoulders. So by the time I was done, he had thousands of hairs pretty much glued to his skin.
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Family Campout
This past weekend my family had their annual family camping trip at Turkey Springs. It was good times, and great weather. I love when it rains up north - whereas when it rains in Mesa it just becomes hot and muggy instead of just hot. Anyway, Steve is a "faithful" mate drinker, meaning he drinks it at least twice a day, and camping is not an exception to miss out on this daily ritual. Mate is a drink from South America, its a dried herb that smells like hay.
Basically he heats up some water, pours some mate in the bottom of a french press, pours the hot water in, and compresses the leaves to get all the flavor out, adds some sugar and he's in heaven. Not a typical camping drink, I mean who brings a french press camping? My family got a kick out of it as well - mostly because he brought the mate in a plastic baggy so it suspiciously resembled a nice little stash of marijuana. It caused quite the controversy. Between my brother announcing to my family that "Ginger and Steve are in mom's trailer drinking marijuana!" and my oldest neice coming into the trailer to see steve sipping, and come to the terrible conclusion he was breaking the word of wisdom by drinking tea, I think we'll leave the mate at home next year and save ourselves some explaining.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010
So I haven't posted anything in a long time and the longer I wait the harder it gets because I feel like I have a lot of noteworthy events to report on and it overwhelms me, kind of like the length of this neverending sentence I've just created. So, in an effort to not overwhelm myself, and mostly so I can stop blogging and continue reading the second Hunger Games book, I'll keep it brief.
1. No we are not moving to Flagstaff.
2. Yes, we hate the traffic there and we are not too fond of the hippy atmosphere
3. No, we did not get accepted to ASU this year semester.
4. Yes, I hate ASU for screwing up Steve's application and for putting our lives on hold for another semester.
5. Yes, we made an offer on a really cute house in Mesa...too bad its a shortsale.
6. No, we haven't heard a peep from the seller's lender yet and its been about a month. Not looking too promising, but we're hanging tough.
7. Yes, my poor young-men's-president-husband has deserted me yet again for a campout. This time, Geronimo. And he won't be back until Thursday night...Thus "Hunger Games".
8. Oh, and no, I have not had a baby yet...not that I know of anyway.
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